Monday, February 20, 2017

The Start of Something Beautiful

Everything the light touches...
After a week in Embu, I have gotten to know the students here a bit better.  This boarding school has a typical structure to many in Kenya. The students wake up at 4am every morning, even the weekends. Their time is spent in class, studying, daily mass, daily rosary, cleaning, clubs and recreation. They wear their uniforms or school-issued work out clothes the whole day. Every student is registered with a number and everything they possess here is labeled, from their blouses to skirts to washing pails to their stool in the dining hall. The education system back home is so different, that I was shocked by the militaristic approach to school.

During a sunset hike over the foothills of Mt. Kenya.
I am astonished by the work ethic of these girls. Their day starts while the sun is still fast asleep and is packed to the brim. During their study sessions at night, the school is quiet. It's amazing!

Despite such a strenuous schedule, the students here are very welcoming and joyful*. Most of them are so excited to meet me, touch my hair and ask me questions. They have so many questions about America, myself and my perceptions of all things Kenyan.

Top 3 questions:
1) How is Trump? Dunno. Haven't talked to him recently.
The house for the sisters! The grounds here are so beautiful!
2) How do you like Kenya? The people are very friendly and welcoming!
3) What is your education system like? Very different. Basically opposite.

Overall, I recognize that the sisters are trying to run a different school here. Since the education standards for Kenya are so strict, they find it difficult to run a school based on the preventative system of Don Bosco. However, they still try to treat everyone with reason, religion and loving-kindness. I hope I am able to befriend the students and teachers. My goal here (and everywhere) is to shine the light of Christ for all to see!

 *pictures of the students to come. I try to get to know them personally before asking for a picture because...duh.


  1. Had no clue the education system was that regimented. Praying for you and the students :). I love how well you love others

  2. I am praying for you! Sometime in the future, I would love to know what you do with your day!

    1. Thanks girl! Actually, i plan on posting a blog soon that is "a day in the life." haha good call :)
