Saturday, September 9, 2017

The Power of Play

Children during oratory
My twenty days in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania was a time of waiting & watching. Back in Kenya the general elections were being held & the whole country was holding its breath. I had traveled to Tanzania in case of any unrest after the elections (update: there is a re-vote for president in October). I stayed with the Salesian Sisters in Temeke, one of the slums of Dar. The sisters run a nursery school, primary school, technical school, Sunday oratory & young people come to play sports all the time. The mission is very much alive! It is common to see 20 yr olds walking around, holding the hands of 4 yr olds (which is such an adorable sight).
Gratitude Day with some of my friends

Since my duration there was unpredictable, I didn’t have an official role. So, I tried to help out where I could. This included: marking homework and exams, helping the technical students with their English, assisting the other volunteers with their crafts and playing games. Honestly, I would say the majority of my time in Temeke was just hanging out and having fun. And I loved it J

Jackson--my favorite little guy  
Some of the ways I played:
- Skipping with the tiny kids all over the compound
- Quizzing the 7th graders on their math & science
- Discussing the educational/ political system of TZ with the technical school students 
- Playing basketball & winning in 'Horse' (pretty proud of myself) 
- Drawing in the sand
- Joining the dressmaking students in a dance competition
- Singing & playing guitar
- Going to the beach
- Laughing & telling stories
- and much more

So glad I got to hang out at the beach with these guys
It turns out that I could have stayed in Kenya during the elections; it would have been safe. But, in God’s Divine wisdom, I was given a chance to go to Tanzania.  Although my time there was short, the young people of Temeke left a tangible mark on my heart. During this time, I grew to love Tanzania & its welcoming, friendly people & I look forward to a time I can return.